Monday, September 17, 2007

A Twist on Tuna

Hi Everyone!
I think this is a wonderful idea! What a great way to share recipes and get ideas for dinner. My recipes are a bit different because I don't have a lot of time or money to spend on food, so if you need a quick but healthy dinner I can help :)
This is a recipe I made one night when all I had was tuna and a few other ingredients, but I think it is really good and you can add whatever you want to it. Also you might want to use more than I do if you are cooking for more than two people.

2 cups rice or pasta or any grain (cooked)
1 can tuna
1 cup frozen or canned corn
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 onion (chopped)
1/2 red (any color is fine) pepper

Directions: Put rice in rice cooker or start it on the stove. Chop onion and saute in sauce pan. Add minced garlic. Cook until onions are tender. add pepper, corn, peas and tuna. While these defrost and warm up add salt and pepper to taste. Just cook until everything is warm. Serve over rice or noodles or with grains mixed in.


Adria Davis Tingey said...

Hi P, your idea is good. In HK we used to stir fry tuna (canned in oil) in lemon juice, soy sauce, a couple of garlic cloves, and some fresh cilantro. We just fried it until the water evaporated and ate it on top of rice. I still make that sometimes, even though it's meat, just for old times sake.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post... I can see that you put a lot of hard work on your blog. I'm sure I'd visit here more often. George from Dinner Ideas.